Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday Edition II


Mike. It's funny because actually stopping to write that I am indeed sitting here thinking about Mike seems a bit absurd.  I still sit around and daydream about him, after all these years.  We met so young, I would never have guessed he would be the man I spend the rest of my life with.  We have shared some really dark times, but came out of it with nothing but love for one another.  Maybe I should do a post about how him and I met sometime. He just makes me blissfully happy.


I feel like I always have so much to look forward to, lucky me!  I'm looking forward to today being over so that I can get back into the groove of things at home.  I'm looking forward to the 4th of July!  I'm still looking forward to my mom visiting with the kids and our annual camping trip.


I am so out of the loop from TV this week, but it was nice to take a break.  I cannot wait to watch the shows I'm recording tonight; Trueblood and Oprah's next chapter with the Kardashians.


My health.  I am a foodie through and through.  I like to try everything, and I love to cook!  But recently I have just been working on paying attention to what I am cooking with and what I am putting into my body and encouraging Mike to put into his body.  One of my dearest friends Sami told me about a site she has been using to track her food and exercise called and it is fab!  Seriously, it has been extremely helpful.


I thought really hard about what to write for my wishing and I had a very hard time coming up with something.  I truly want for nothing, and I have never been more content in my life.  I suppose I wish I was able to travel a bit this summer and spend time with my girlfriends.  A few of my best friends have been out of state for most of the summer and I miss them terribly.

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